The Glorious Gospel
The gospel – good news – of salvation is that Christ took your sins upon Himself when He went to the cross. He died the death in your place, effectively serving your sentence for your sins. He rose from death on the 3rd day, as recorded in Old & New Testaments, bringing resurrection and eternal life to all who will believe on Him.
When we stand in judgment at the end of our lives, whether by death or the rapture, we will first be judged according to our response to Jesus Christ. If we trusted Him for our salvation, we wear His righteousness before the throne of judgment; we are freed from the penalty for our wrongs because He served it on our behalf. He is described as our advocate; He both defends us and serves our sentence.
If we have refused Him during our earthly life, we will stand alone in judgment. Our sins remain upon us; we will be judged for them and rightly condemned. And we will serve our own sentence, having refused the gracious offer of salvation through faith toward Christ; that is the ONLY remedy for our crisis.
Justice demands that the guilty serve their sentence. God cannot be completely good without being just. He must judge, He must condemn the guilty, and He must mete out the appropriate consequence. Since “the wages of sin is death”, we will suffer the second death, if we serve our own sentence (eternal separation from God, isolated from all that is good).
But if we accept the “gift of God [which] is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”, which is freely given to all who believe Him, then our guilt is borne by Christ, our sentence is served by Christ, and our record is clear because of Christ. We are free.