why must man die tagged posts

Why Is Death the Appropriate and Necessary Consequence to Sin?

Why Is Death the Appropriate and Necessary Consequence to Sin?

The English word “sin” is translated from the Hebrew word חַטָּאָה‎ chatta’ah (khat-taw-aw’), and the Greek word ἁμαρτία hamartia (ham-ar-tee’-ah), both of which have the sense of having missed a mark, goal, or path, of falling short; to err or be mistaken, wandered away from what is right or good. The missing necessitates a discernible target to miss. Paul’s letter to the Romans makes a critical point:

Romans 4:15   “for the Law works indignation; for where no Law is, neither is transgression.”

Romans 5:13   “For until law, sin was in the world, but not imputed there being no law.”

Paying attention to what Paul wrote, not once but twice, we learn that “sin”, which is ‘transgression”, ...

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