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Luke 15:11-32 – The Parable of the Repentant Prodigal and Of Reconciliation to the Father

Luke 15:11-32 The parable of the father with two sons, the younger of whom squandered his inheritance and returned in humiliation to his father, begging forgiveness and mercy to return as a servant, thereby escaping certain destruction (he was starving.)

First of all, the younger son chose to leave the father; he was not sent or driven away, nor did his father intend him to go. He demanded his portion of the inheritance before his father died; the father did not offer it to him, nor suggest that he could take it and take his leave. Once gone, the son’s “riotous living” was his own choice; nothing compelled him nor did Jesus give any indication that any motivating influence came from the man’s father to cause him to sin...

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