biblical creation tagged posts

Biblical Reasons Why It matters Whether We Believe in Six Days of Creation or Something Else

1. The nature of God’s word. God directed the writing of a very specific and detailed account of the genealogy of the universe. Why would God direct such precision of input for an analogous story? Either the statements are true, or they are of no value.

2. What could be the purpose of Gen 1:1 – 2:4, which is identified as a “genealogy of the heavens and the earth” when they were created, if it is in fact not an account of how the heavens and earth came into being?

3. Gen 1:3 identifies a separation of light from darkness, and defines both “day” and “night” by them respectively.

4. In Gen 1:3, after defining day and night, it is recorded “evening was and morning was, the first day...

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