Romans 3:1-4
Knowing that the development of his argument could incite some animated responses, and be misunderstood to suggest that God somehow had rejected the people of His Abrahamic covenant, Paul continues:
Romans 3:1 – 4 “What then is the benefit of the Jew, or what is the profit of the circumcision? Much in every way; first because they were entrusted with the oracles of God. For what if some unfaithful? Shall their unfaithfulness make the faithfulness of God useless? (or powerless, or ineffective)
Certainly not! But let God be true and every man false, according as it has been written, “That you are justified (or righteous) in your words and overcome when You are judged.”
God had called a man – Abram – out of obscurity, out of idolatry, and into fellowship with Himself. When Abram responded by believing God, God promised Abram to bring him to his own land, to make of him a great nation, and to bless the entire world through Abram’s off-spring. He changed Abram’s name, meaning “exalted father”, to Abraham – father of multitudes – and he was instructed that all the males in his family should henceforth be circumcised as the symbol of his faith toward God and God’s promise to him. From that point forward, God spoke to Abraham and his descendants, revealing Himself to them, and declaring His purpose and plan for the world.
But not every child of Abraham trusted God as their forefather had done. Many turned their backs on God, preferring to follow their own ideas and plans. Paul declares that the unfaithfulness of any number of men has no bearing upon either the faithfulness of God, or on His purpose and intention to ensure the outcome of His purpose. Even if every man on earth were to reject God, God would remain true, because Truth is part of His essential nature. Man may be untrue, but in all things, God is perfectly just, perfectly righteous, and perfectly true at all times and under all circumstances.