Category Christian Life

If we have repented of our sin before God, and come to Jesus Christ in faith, receiving His atonement for our sins, and the gift of eternal life from God, how should we then live? The Bible tells us that everyone who is in Christ is a new creation; old things are passed away, and all things have been made new. We are told that the Holy Spirit lives within each re-born child of God. If we are indeed new creatures born of the Spirit through faith in Jesus Christ, we can no longer live as though we are only bodies of flesh, subject to the fleshly desires that entice us to sin in the first place. Rather our lives should be a reflection of the power of God in us, making us look as the new creatures we have become, a glorious reflection of the Saviour Who bought us.


Forgiveness is releasing the debt. The offender doesn’t owe you anymore.

It is not about forgetting. We may never forget and some offenses should not be forgotten. We are not obligated to volunteer for more offenses to be committed against us, although we may be obligated to endure them when they come.

By forgiving an offender, we release their debt to us. They don’t ‘owe’ us, we seek no revenge or restitution. We are not held captive by the pain of their wound, and we don’t wish they could suffer the pain themselves.

This does not mean we don’t hurt. Instead, it means that we willingly bear the hurt without anger, without malice, without revenge. We give them freedom from their obligation to us. We choose good-will toward them, despite the pain.

Some offenses cause too great...

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Call to Faith

How many of we who say we follow Christ despise His blood and count it a common thing? Do we not know that it was shed for our sin? Why then do we wallow in our sin any longer? We are not prisoners if He has set us free. Yet we yearn for the world and seek every opportunity to taste of its fruit and pleasure in its enticements. Do we not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Why do we who claim His blood make ourselves His enemies by pursuing those things that He has rejected?

Men of the cross, look up! Gaze upon Christ our Sacrifice and reject everything that beckons us turn our gaze. Only Jesus has the words of life and the keys of death and hell. He has opened the prison; let us flee!

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Bible Study Principles or How to Effectively Study the Bible


The Bible is God’s word to man. It has specific meaning for all men at all times. If the meaning of Scripture is fluid (changeable), or subjective (someone’s interpretation or opinion), God has said nothing to us, and we have nothing to say to the world. Our hope is based upon His word being Truth, as Jesus declared it to be.

The Bible was written by ordinary men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is not restricted to those with special training or higher learning, but is open to any who read or hear. Its message is not complex or difficult, except to the extent that men may choose to rebel against its author, and therefore its content.

Study of Scripture is a two-fold exercise:

Intellectual – engaging the mind in discovering what is said.

Spiritual – as the Holy Spir...

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Bible Studies: Introduction

In keeping with the purpose of Grace and Truth website to help Christians grow in their knowledge of God through the careful consideration of God’s Word, the Holy Bible, I will begin to post the notes to different Bible Studies. In these Bible Studies I will address individual Books of the Bible to expand the reader’s knowledge and understanding of the Person and Nature of God, the nature and purpose of the material world, the nature and role of humans in God’s creation, and Man’s Relationship with God.

The Bible declares itself throughout to be the Word of God.  Whenever you read the phrase, “Thus saith the LORD…”, you have the words God spoke to the man who recorded the words...

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The Church is Under Attack

Satan wants to suppress and extinguish the light of the Gospel of Christ.

His legions in the world war against the Truth and against those who bear it, through lies and twisting of facts and the meanings of words, through assault and oppression, and through censure; through distractions, diversions, temptations, enticements, relationships, comforts, and “goals”. The enemy roars both inside and out of the recognized church. We must take hold of our Captain. We must relinquish our hold on temporal distractions. We must refuse to become servants of worldly things – any worldly thing no matter now noble or how necessary, becomes a stumbling block and an impediment to the work of the Gospel as soon as it has equal time, equal effort, equal priority to Christ and His grace in our life.


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What Do You Have to Know to Be A Christian?

Do you have to get everything right to be a Christian? No, but there are some things you cannot get wrong and still be a Christian. For instance, you must believe in God in order to be a Christian. But you can’t believe in just any god. You must believe in the God Who has revealed Himself through His Word to men, through His prophets, through the Law, and through Jesus Christ. If you believe in a false god, you are not a Christian, no matter how sincere you are or how well you behave. [1]

Then there is the matter of Truth. You must believe that truth exists, and that it is knowable, because Jesus declared that the Father requires men to worship Him in spirit and in truth. If there is no truth, or it cannot be known, we are unable to obey God’s clear requirement for worship. [2]

A Chr...

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