Category Creation Science

Biblical Reasons Why It matters Whether We Believe in Six Days of Creation or Something Else

1. The nature of God’s word. God directed the writing of a very specific and detailed account of the genealogy of the universe. Why would God direct such precision of input for an analogous story? Either the statements are true, or they are of no value.

2. What could be the purpose of Gen 1:1 – 2:4, which is identified as a “genealogy of the heavens and the earth” when they were created, if it is in fact not an account of how the heavens and earth came into being?

3. Gen 1:3 identifies a separation of light from darkness, and defines both “day” and “night” by them respectively.

4. In Gen 1:3, after defining day and night, it is recorded “evening was and morning was, the first day...

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Implications of the Law of Inertia on the Discussion of Origins

Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.
– Newton’s First Law of Motion, translated from the Principia‘s Latin

“A body that is acted on by no net force moves at a constant velocity (which may be zero) and zero acceleration.”

1.     If the action of any body of matter is static in the absence of the introduction of an outside force, original matter would maintain stasis apart from a new force acting upon it, since only the original forces would also be present to act upon the original mass.


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The First Cause

  1. Everything which has a beginning must have a capable and sufficient Cause. 
  2. The First Cause, whatever it is, must be Self-Existent, or it must defy the known Natural Laws. 
  3. A Self-Existent First Cause, by definition, defies natural laws; therefore the First Cause is necessarily Super-Natural. 
  4. The self-existent First Cause, whatever it is, must be accepted by faith. There is no “proof” of any possible First Cause. (No other witnesses; no enduring, contemporaneous physical evidence.) 
  5. Evidence exists that points to a probable First Cause. 
  6. The true First Cause will be reasonably supported by the evidence. 
  7. The evidence available to all parties is the same. The framework within which it is interpreted (worldview) is what differs. 
  8. Valid interpretation must satisfy “is”, rather than “sup...
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Summary of Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem

Kurt Godel presented a theory of mathematics that demonstrates that anything that can be measured, or contained, cannot be dependent upon itself for explanation or existence. The excerpts below from various sources give a summary of the implications of his theorem; for greater detail, the articles and book listed at the end are strongly recommended. (These statements were pulled from several sources; they are not my own material, other than the section on “Implications”)

“Any effectively generated theory capable of expressing elementary arithmetic cannot be both consistent and complete. In particular, for any consistent, effectively generated formal theory that proves certain basic arithmetic truths, there is an arithmetical statement that is true, but not provable in the theory.”

  1. Ar...
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Natural Laws

First Law of Thermodynamics:

            Matter and energy are relative. In a closed system, neither are created or lost. (A closed system is isolated from outside influence) “… the fundamental principle of physics that the total energy of an isolated system is constant despite internal changes”; energy changes form but does not increase or decrease qty.

ΔU = Q – W, where U = change in internal energy, Q = heat added to the system, and W = Work done by the system.

Second Law of Thermodynamics:

            In the absence of outside influence, everything falls into a state of increasing disorder (entropy; biodegradation, etc.)

Third Law of Thermodynamics:

            The entropy of a pure perfect crystal is zero at zero degrees Kelvin...

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Defining Some Terms in the Conversation About Evolution & Creation

Science – “knowledge”

Scientific Method requires: observation, testability, repeatability, falsifiability.

Steady State Theory – the universe has neither beginning nor end; it has always existed and will continue to exist forever (Sir Fred Hoyle)

Uniformitarianism – also called “gradualism” – slow and gradual, natural processes have occurred in the same manner and at the same rate throughout history. Is generally invoked to explain geological characteristics such as rock layers, erosion, sedimentary build-up, etc.)

Catastrophism – sudden, traumatic events are responsible for some or all major geological characteristics

Evolution – change of organisms into completely different organisms over time

Natural Selection – process by which organisms better suited to their envir...

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Fossils Say Nothing About Time Before Death

As a record of death, fossils only appear after organisms began to die; what may have happened prior to death of living things must be determined from sources outside of the fossil record. Read More

Some Science-Based Reasons to Reject Evolution

Definition of Evolution:

Depends on who is talking and what they want you to believe. Evolutionists like to claim the following:

  • change
  • any change in the frequency of any characteristic in any organism from one generation to the next
  • “a process that results in heritable changes in a population spread over many generations”[1]

Darwinism – the theory of evolution that claims to explain molecules-to-man evolution:

Accumulation of mutations driven by natural selection resulting in the development of new types of organisms.

Adaptation   –   properly, how something changes to accommodate situational/environmental conditions; to adapt is simply to ‘change’ in accordance with some motivator.

Genetics:         DNA is a complex molecule that carries all of the information and chemica...

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Creation in Genesis

The Book of Genesis literally means the ‘book of the generation’. The word ‘generation’ means that which has proceeded from, or been brought into existence, or been born. To ‘generate’ something is to cause it to exist. The Book of Genesis gives the account of how the universe, including all life, came to exist. It also contains the history of the creation of different languages and people groups, and the beginning of the nation of Israel.

The details contained in the first several chapters of Genesis are very specific, and use very specific language to describe what God created, by what mechanism, and in what order...

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Creation Beyond Genesis or What the Rest of the Bible Says About the Origin of the Universe and Life on Earth

While Genesis gives the first account of God’s creation of the universe out of nothing by the power of His Word, the entire Bible speaks of the origin of the universe and the creation of life on earth in many places. Many Biblical doctrines are based in some way or to some extent upon the fact of God having miraculously created all material reality directly and in its current and constant form. Hundreds of passages refer to God having formed the earth by His word, of placing the heavenly bodies in their proper places, of setting the bounds of land and seas, of creating various life forms in and for their proper environments, and having created plants and animals according to their specific kinds.

The following are important points of teaching or consideration regarding the essential truth ...

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