Book Review – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone J.K. Rowling
Deut. 18:10-13 Deut. 13 Eph. 5:11
Motto: Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus
Meaning: Never tickle (a) sleeping dragon.
Harry Potter is a wizard. He is a smart aleck who lies, hates, disobeys those in authority, plans vengeance,
His friends steal, are malicious etc. Those who follow the rules, represented by Hermione, are ridiculed, and become “nicer” when they stop doing so. (p. 133) These are the good guys.
The book introduces many occult concepts: telepathy, astral projection, e.s.p., familiars, inner guides, power objects, omens, astrology, death as a new adventure (vis: reincarnation), the zodiac, and love “power”. These are introduced in a casual manner, without the use of the terms, such that they just seem a “normal” part of what’s going on. Also, curses are bandied about as both viable, and reasonable, including as vengeance on some perceived enemy. They are absolutely not portrayed as only “black” magic. While both Christmas and Easter are mentioned in this story, the Hallowe’en Celebration is given a more enthusiastic showing. The former two are merely times of “food and fun”.
There are many “Christian” terms used cheaply, and concepts from Christianity are obliquely woven into the story. Included are Harry’s recovery from a head wound (anti-Christ), his recovery after three days from near death, the idea of indwelling (Holy Spirit copy?) shown as demonic possession; sacrificing ones’ self for another.
It is important to realize that the way terms are used in occult writings are misleading. All important terms are redefined, including love, good, evil, life, death etc. These redefinitions reflect the objectives and beliefs held by much of the occult community in the west. (commonly known as the New Age movement)
Also, the occult community embraces a number of lies about God, which make the covert message of the character development of such as Voldemort and Dumbledore more sinister. These lies include the following:
God is merciless (p 213)
He is a harsh taskmaster (p211)
He is as mean to His followers as to those He hates (p .216)
His followers are full of hate, greed, are self-serving (p. 216)
His people (Jew and Gentile) are stupid, incompetent, etc. (the whole book re: Muggles (anti-magic folk)
He is unforgiving (p. )
His power is less than Lucifer’s (p. 212)
He is evil, Lucifer is benevolent and good. (p. 94) In fact, the highest Luciferians state that God (Jehovah) is truly Satan, and that Jesus cheated Lucifer, His real brother, out of his role as world leader.
God uses unfair tactics to force compliance with His will. (p. 213)
Characters in the story swear, including using the Lord’s name contemptuously, gamble, smoke, and drink to excess.
Many magic words, ingredients, “witchy” substances and objects, occult symbols, and how to use them, crop up throughout the story. More than half of the story is given to the things of the “art” than to any story line. Any curious reader would easily be persuaded to attempt the spells, seek the potions, etc. In addition, a child who feels somehow cheated by his superiors will be encouraged in a disrespectful, disobedient attitude, and in seeking a supernatural “solution” to his perceived problem.
There is a huge inclusion of ugly or disgusting imagery throughout the book, including the killing of a unicorn to drink its blood (classic sacrifice ritual). Most are totally unnecessary, and often not really relevant to what is going on. Just ugliness in your face, as it were, for the sake of ugliness.
The book contains several scenes reflecting nightmare scenarios – pictures that come “alive” and address the characters.
Notice how the witches watch the child for a season, interfere in their environment to the child’s advantage, and finally entice them away. This is consistent with how young people can be drawn into the occult in “real” life.
- Voldemort is supposed to be trying to destroy the world of the witches. Why would a character intended to represent Satan be shown to try to destroy that which he invented?
- If Voldemort represents “God”, a warlock’s power defeated his.
- The centaurs’ oath (p. 188) was to not oppose “the heavens”, which clearly refers to that which opposes Harry and Hogwarts. The opponent has been shown to be Voldemort. Is this intended to show that Voldemort is in fact the “evil one from heaven” claimed by the real-world occult community?
- “There is no good and evil, only power – and those too weak to seek it…” (p. 211)
- “If you’re going to be cursed forever, death’s better, isn’t it?” “It is…” What does this say, either to someone victimized by a coven, someone who believes they have been cursed, or someone who is depressed because of their quality of life? Suicide?
The early part of the book is slow reading, and most of it is rather boring. The boorish, ugly, or foolish seems to be what would hold anyone’s attention. There is very little plot. I would estimate the content to be about 65% mentioning of witchy things and doings (spells, potions, ingredients, activities), another 20-35% reflection on the evil vs. good theme, with the witches being good. That does not leave much room for plot. There isn’t much plot. Therefore, what is it that holds the public’s attention so strongly? Perhaps the power given to Satan when he is given a “foot-hold” through compromise? I hope the next three are easier to read – they are increasingly long as we progress.
The witch/wizard world is portrayed as the “good” side. The anti-magic people are portrayed as missing all valuable qualities, and their world is empty and boring. The story makes light of numerous objectionable behaviours, shows occultism , in its fullness, as desirable and good. Ugliness is tossed in like slices of tomato on a garden salad. Things of God are mentioned irreverently and as if irrelevant, and many Biblical concepts can be seen obliquely referred to, with the hero being the occult. I see several attempted0 parallels between Harry and Jesus’ story, but twisted.
Rather than building character and setting a good example, this book would encourage smart-aleck attitudes from kids towards all authority figures who are not seen as “cool” and behaviours which cannot be condoned in general. Its very full list of witchcraft objects and activities provide an ample starting point for would-be sorcerers. The devils do not care about accuracy; they are unlikely to care that certain “spells” may not be legitimate. If they believe they have a sucker on the line, they will hook them. Many, many children are drawn into the occult by “silly” things like this which fuel their curiosity, and sometimes their anger.
While it is obviously only fiction, its influence is not for the good, but for the bad. As Christians, our responsibility is to “raise up [our children] in the way they should go”. God has declared all magic “arts” to be abominations. A book which portrays the exact opposite, providing tools for its participation is not an appropriate book for any Christian home.